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Fulbrook School

Our Staff

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs S Clancy

Head Teacher headteacher@fulbrook.school
Mr J Wall Deputy Head Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead jwall@fulbrook.school
Mr D Ward Assistant Head Teacher - Behaviour and Culture dward@fulbrook.school
Mrs H Nelson-Cole Assistant Head Teacher - Learning and Teaching hnelson-cole@fulbrook.school

Teaching Staff

Miss A Bates History Subject Leader and Year 10 Form Tutor abates@fulbrook.school
Mrs N Barnett Philosophy, Beliefs and Ethics Subject Leader nbarnett@fulbrook.school
Mme M Borundel Modern Foreign Languages Subject Leader and Year 8 Form Tutor mborundel@fulbrook.school
Mr C Brown PE Teacher and Year 7 Form Tutor  cbrown@fulbrook.school
Mr L Devine KS2 Leader and Year 6 Form Tutor ldevine@fulbrook.school
Mrs K Evans English and Media Studies Teacher kevans@fulbrook.school
Mrs R Gayle KS3 Leader and Food Tech Teacher rgayle@fulbrook.school
Mr T Gordon Maths Teacher and Year 9 Form Tutor tgordon@fulbrook.school
Mr J Hibberd KS3 Leader and Science Subject Leader and Year 8 Form Tutor jhibberd@fulbrook.school
Mrs Z Ingarfield French Teacher zingarfield@fulbrook.school
Mrs K Ingham Art Teacher and Year 7 Form Tutor kingham@fulbrook.school
Mr C Lambert Maths Teacher and Year 9 Form Tutor clambert@fulbrook.school
Mrs C Leach KS2 Teacher and Year 5 Form Tutor cleach@fulbrook.school
Mrs R Lee Performing Arts Subject Leader rlee@fulbrook.school
Mrs T Lysak Geography Subject Leader tlysak@fulbrook.school
Mr P Mandizha History and PBE Teacher and Year 9 Form Tutor pmandizha@fulbrook.school
Ms C McDowell KS3 English Subject Leader and Year 10 Form Tutor cmcdowell@fulbrook.school
Mr S Norris Maths Subject Leader and Year 10 Form Tutor snorris@fulbrook.school
Mr R G Roberts Maths Teacher and Year 8 Form Tutor groberts@fulbrook.school
Mrs S Rosos KS2 English Subject Leader srosos@fulbrook.school
Miss O Rowland Science Teacher and Year 9 Form Tutor orowland@fulbrook.school
Mrs H Shapter Wheeler Performance Arts Teacher and SENDCo hshapterwheeler@fulbrook.school
Mrs E Smith-Hobbs English Teacher and Year 8 Form Tutor esmith-hobbs@fulbrook.school
Mr S Thomas KS3 Leader, DT and Computing Subject Leader and Deputy Safeguarding Lead sthomas@fulbrook.school
Mr S Thorpe PE Subject Leader sthorpe@fulbrook.school
Mrs N Toncheva English Teacher and Year 7 Form Tutor ntoncheva@fulbrook.school
Mr S Trotter Year 5 Leader and Year 5 Form Tutor strotter@fulbrook.school
Mrs P Woodford Science Teacher and Year 7 Form Tutor pwoodford@fulbrook.school

Administration and Support Staff 

Miss S-J Collins Attendance Officer and Principal First Aider  scollins@fulbrook.school
Mrs L Griffiths Finance Officer finance@fulbrook.school
Miss S Ingham Receptionist and School Administrator office@fulbrook.school
Mrs S Kenworthy School Business Manager skenworthy@fulbrook.school
Miss K Krzywodajc Art and Design Technician kkrzywodajc@fulbrook.school
Mr K Litchfield Site and Lettings Agent klitchfield@fulbrook.school
Ms E Meyer Admissions, Assessment and Exam Officer emeyer@fulbrook.school
Miss N Parrott Head Teacher's PA nparrott@fulbrook.school
Mr M Smith Site Manager msmith@fulbrook.school
Miss C Washbrook Practical Technician cwashbrook@fulbrook.school


Mrs N Bell Learning Support Assistant nbell@fulbrook.school
Ms C Cameron Learning Support Assistant ccameron@fulbrook.school
Mrs N Gamaleldin Learning Support Assistant ngamaleldin@fulbrook.school
Mrs S Hulance Learning Support Assistant shulance@fulbrook.school
Mrs D Johnson SEND Administrator djohnson@fulbrook.school
Mrs A Khanani Learning Support Assistant akhanani@fulbrook.school
Ms V Lee Learning Support Assistant vlee@fulbrook.school
Ms N Marghany Learning Support Assistant nmarghany@fulbrook.school
Miss L McCarthy Pastoral Support Assistant lmccarthy@fulbrook.school
Mrs J Nicholls Pastoral Support Coordinator and Deputy Safeguarding Lead jnicholls@fulbrook.school
Miss P Morton Learning Support Assistant pmorton@fulbrook.school
Mrs H Shapter Wheeler SENDCo hshapterwheeler@fulbrook.school
Learning Support Assistant tthomson@fulbrook.school