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Fulbrook School

Pastoral Care

At Fulbrook we take our pupil’s pastoral care very seriously. Our pastoral system is designed to ensure that all students are known as individuals, are cared for and are encouraged to succeed.

Pastoral responsibility for students generally falls, in the first instance, to form tutors. However, some students need further support, which can be found with our Pastoral Manager: Mrs Carlene Street, who works with students on a one-to-one basis, or with small groups to resolve specific problems. The role is to support children, who might be experiencing emotional well-being difficulties and, as such, work closely with students, parents and outside agencies. Mrs Street may also work individually with a student as a learning mentor, or as someone that our students can talk, whenever they need.

Should the support required for specific students be of a more specialist nature, we have access to a school Counsellor who provides our students with the opportunity to have confidential one to one sessions. They are available in school for three hours per week. We have access to refer to the School Nurse.

Useful Websites

Below are some links, signposting agencies and websites which we feel may be of further support to our students' parents, carers and families.

Internet Safety for children and parents/carers

Family Lives

Parenting and family support

Parenting advice through helpful short videos

Expert advice for fathers

Bereavement service for children and young people


Relationship Counselling

Fulbrook does not accept responsibility for the content of any external sites.